Our treatment prices

These prices are our current prices. We take card or cash payments on the date of the session. Anyone wanting to claim costs back through their insurance, we require payment on the day and costs can be claimed back following this.

Initial Consultation and Treatment

An initial consultation consists of finding out an in-depth clinical history, lifestyle, and diet of each patient. Following this, we observe the movement 'gait' of the patient, assess joint range of motion and carry out a palpation assessment. From these finding, we will carry out the most appropriate treatment and demonstrate and prescribe exercises for owners to carry out between future sessions.


Labrador canine physiotherapy
Labrador canine physiotherapy
labrador recieving NMES therapy
labrador recieving NMES therapy
brown labrador in aquatic treadmill
brown labrador in aquatic treadmill

Follow-up Physiotherapy Treatment

A follow-up session consists of a brief re-assessment to identify any changes following the initial consultation. Following this, the most appropriate treatment will be carried out. Following this, a demonstration of home exercises will be carried out for owners to continue between sessions.


Hydrotherapy Sessions

We offer Hydrotherapy sessions at Choice Hydrotherapy, Telford. A Hydrotherapy session will consist of swimming/walking using the hydrotherapy pool or underwater treadmill.​ We do also offer combined physio/hydrotherapy sessions, please get in touch to find out more.
